Ramnavami Saptah

2020 Event Date : 25th March to 2nd April

Chaitra Saptah or Ram Navami Saptah (Celebrated from Chaitra shuddha pratipada -gudi padwa to Ramnavami) was started in the year 1974 due to the initiative of Shri Pandanna Ghonasgi.

Chaitra Sapthah is celebrated for 9 days. During the saptah dindi’s starting from 7 nearby town and villages travel to kannur in groups. Maharaj instructed his disciples to start the pilgrimage like  ‘Dindi walks’  during the Chaitra Saptah (March-April timeframe), in which he asked the devotees to come to Kannur on foot and along the way, spread the key messages of Bharatiya Surajya Samsthe in each village viz. morality, devotion, swadeshi (use of indigenous products only) and the ‘Ideal village’. Chaitra Saptah is the time when the villagers have free time as they are typically at the end of the agricultural season. For this reason, this time was chosen for the Dindi Yatra and Saptah.

During the saptah discourses are conducted by Shantikuteer’s very knowledged disciples in the subject of advaita and self realization. On the last day Lord Shri Ram’s birthday Saptah ends.

Sadguru Quotes :Do not do a thing to others which if done to you would make you unhappy.